There are several thousands of college students interested in finding out how they can earn money on the internet. College students do not have a lot of time because of classes, studying, activities, and so on. Assuming that college students need money as quickly as possible, blogging is not always a feasible option due to the amount of time and commitment it takes to maintain a blog. So, how can college students make extra money online? Here are a few suggestions:
1. Online Surveys, Get Paid To (GPT), Read Emails, etc
There are a number of different companies that have hundreds, even thousands of emails that need to be read every day. Of course, the top executives of major businesses do not have hours every day to spend reading emails. The solutions they find is outsourcing to other people, like college students looking to make a little extra money. You should be able to find several companies willing to outsource such tedious tasks as online surveys, product testing, mystery shopping and more.
2. Freelance Writing
Can you string a sentence together? If so, then you have what it takes to earn extra money online as a freelance writer. You do not have to have a degree in English or journalism to succeed. In fact, if you are able to write in a way that is easy for others to read, they you have everything you need, You can find work online by signing up for job posting services and finding projects that you can do.
3. eBay & Amazon
College students have been quite successful with selling stuff on eBay and/or Amazon to make a little extra cash when they need it. As a college student, you most likely have stuff that you can sell to other college students. In addition, other college students have stuff that they may be willing to let you sell on the online auction site for them and earn fair commission. You can also find dropshippers or wholesalers that are great places to find products for you to sell and earn money on eBay. Garage sales and estate sales are also great places to find stuff to sell that will not cost you a lot of money up front.
4. Online Tutoring
The pay for this type of service varies from one college student to the next. Some companies are available that you can sign up with if you prefer. In fact, online tutoring is a service that is in high demand these days, and getting more and more popular by the minute. If you enjoy helping other people to learn, online tutoring may be the perfect way for you to make money online. Depending on the service you decide to go with, you can expect to work from a couple of hours or more every week.
5. Online Juror
Do you know what lawyers do to practice and hone their talents? Places are available online that stage mock court trails so lawyers can get the practice that they need. If you become an online juror, you can expect to make as much as $60 depending on the complexity of the case. There is no guarantee that you will get a case, but it is worth a try if you need to earn a little extra money.
So, if you are a college student that needs some extra cash, or are looking for ways to jumpstart your future, you may find some good opportunities to do just that above!
Yes, even college students can now take full advantage of the many online job opportunities that are available today. These are great ways to earn an income. When I was starting out with online jobs, I was able to meet someone who was willing to teach me everything about working online. It was really a blessing that I found this person.
These are all wonderful ways for college students to earn additional income.
Another idea would be to offer VA work for people building their online business. Many speakers, authors an consultants hire people to assist with their online marketing. This may include article posting, media release distribution, social media postings, ezine assistance and web site updating.
Whatever services you offer, do so with integrity and passion and you are certain to succeed.
Cheers – Kathleen
Tutoring is definitely a great option! (I may be a little biased, LOL) But seriously, I earned a lot of money during college by tutoring. It is a wonderful job and flexible!
Making money on youtube is a great way to get some good money by promoting a product or just being a leader and doing something different. There are so many people out there in marketing that do not know what they are doing. To make money online you have to have something that is going to sell.