Do You Have Home Based Business Insurance Coverage?

Home based businesses are on the rise these days as more and more people are discovering the advantages of starting their own business operated out of their home. In fact, it is estimated that somewhere around 30% of all homeowners operate a business from home right now, and that number will more than likely rise as time goes on. That’s great in itself but the problem is that most home based business owners are either underinsured or not insured at all. Most people assume their homeowner’s insurance policy covers their home business, but it usually doesn’t.

It’s actually possible that your home business activities could void your home insurance. The reason is because your homeowners insurance covers only your home, not your business. If you use your home for another purpose that your insurer is not aware of it might make your policy invalid. Basically you can assume that your standard home insurance policy does not cover your home business and if that’s all you have, you could lose a lot. Therefore, you may need home based business insurance!

Anyone who owns a home business faces the same risks as most other companies and needs insurance to protect themselves against those risks. Home business insurance may be needed whether your business is incorporated or it’s run as a sole proprietorship. There are a few different home based business insurance options available for you to consider.

The home business insurance policy you choose depends on a variety of factors. Some of these factors include how large your home based business is, the type of business you conduct, if you do any off-site work and how much, the extent of your potential for liability, how frequently you have people visit your home for business, and other things.

To find out what insurance you need or don’t need, you should take the time to sit down with your agent and talk about it with them. Don’t keep anything from them because it could come back to kick you in the butt in the future if something happens that your home based business insurance doesn’t cover.

It’s definitely worth looking into whether you think you need it or not.

3 Tips for Better Time Management

Time management is an important ability for everyone, especially if you are your own boss, working from home or running an online business. It is a skill that can take time to develop and even longer to master. Here is a quick look at some simple yet essential tips to creating better time management skills…

1. Don’t Deceive Yourself

One of the biggest problems that most people have is that the underestimate how long a particular task really takes. If you think that something will take 20 minutes but actually takes 30 minutes, your entire schedule will soon fall apart. Let’s say you have 6 tasks to get done that take 20 minutes each, so you budget 2 hours to get everything done. However, reality sets in and each task takes 30 minutes to compete. Instead of 2 hours, it takes 3 hours to complete everything. If this is true for every task, your 8 hour workday will actually require a total of 12 hours to complete.

2. Schedule in Breaks When Needed

It would be nice to think that you are a workhorse and never need a break, but that simply isn’t true. Don’t feel bad if you schedule a 5 minute break after every task. And you definitely need to give yourself a 30-60 minutes lunch break. Trust me, I used to work straight through lunch hour all the time, and eventually I found it was actually doing me more harm than good as far as being productive. If anything, these scheduled breaks will actually give you something to look forward to and can actually make you work harder. Plus, by scheduling in breaks, you will be able to more accurately gauge how much you can accomplish during the day.

3. Stop Waiting Around

The biggest time waster is having to wait around for something. It is important to always stay busy, whenever possible. While waiting cannot be avoided if you have a meeting or are at the dentist, there is not much you can do about it. However, if you always have some work handy, even small assignments, then you can make the most of your time. It may surprise you how much extra you can get done during the week once you have turned waiting time into working time. It’s also important to remember that just because you are sitting at your computer, you aren’t necessarily “working” or getting anything important done. You would be surprised how easy it is to waste 2-3 hours every day just reading things or browsing, or whatever, and it feels like you are working because you are online.

Time management is a necessary skill that many people unfortunately lack and that is really bad for people who run their own home based business or have a work from home job. However, by following these 3 simple tips, you will find that managing your time doesn’t have to be difficult. Once you have these three tips under control, find some other ways to manage your time better and implement them. One of the most important things to remember is that while you may have excellent time management skills, they can always be improved.

Best Way for Teens to Make Money Online in Their Spare Time

The job market is tough these days for everyone and that’s especially true for teens that are still in high school or just starting college because they have little education or experience to help them get hired anywhere, and they can’t work full-time. So, the jobs they can get are typically very low paying. Most teens need a way to make money just like the rest of us. They might not have as many bills as most adults but they do have plenty of things they need to pay for, especially if their parents can’t afford to give them money, or simply won’t. So they often go online looking for things they can do to earn money from home.

They are actually several ways for teens to make money online but definitely one of the best is to make money blogging. This is ideal for many teenagers because they are typically very web savvy since they have been using the internet for pretty much their entire lives. And they have the time needed to build a successful blog through frequent updating, link building, and social networking. Plus, there are very few barriers to entry and it can be done for free or very cheap. There are numerous teen bloggers nowadays that are very successful and more getting started every day. It seems like every other time I hear about a newly successful blog these days I find out it’s a teen who owns it.

Several of the top make money online blogs, internet marketing blogs, and other types of home based business / work at home blogs right now are owned by teen bloggers. Not to mention all the teens that are making money blogging about countless other topics in a huge variety of niches that most internet marketers like me never hear about. Almost any topic an adult can start a blog about a teen could do the same, and do a better job at it a lot of the time because they tend to have more free time to focus on it and are often a lot more tech savvy.

It’s really just a matter of finding a good niche (topic) to blog about and then building the blog, which is something just about any teen could learn how to do in less than a day. Then, use the available internet marketing strategies such as link building, video marketing, and social networking to get traffic and make money from the blog. And be sure to update (blog) on a regular basis to keep the content fresh. Most teens have plenty of time to do all of this and more on a daily basis, and that is why so many teen bloggers are finding a lot of success these days.

So, if you are a teen looking for ways to make money online or a parent trying to find ways for your teens to earn some extra money, you should certainly consider the potential to make money blogging. Just remember you can’t make money from home if you don’t take action so get started right away on becoming a work at home teen!

Work from Home with No Investments

There are many people looking for ways to work from home with no investments, and I assume you are one of them since you are reading this right now. While that is a tall order, it’s not impossible and can certainly be done. They are a few good free ways to work from home with no investment and in many cases you can start making money quickly with them and in other cases it will take a lot more time and patience before you start seeing a good income.

One of the best ways to do this is to get a real work at home job. That sounds easy enough but it’s actually not nearly as simple as you might think. The reason is because most of the advertised free work at home jobs online are actually products or programs that you have to pay for and aren’t really a “job” at all. That leaves a LOT of competition for the real online work at home jobs thus making them very difficult to get hired for. However, it is possible so don’t give up on that idea just yet. You’ll need to be patient and persistent in trying to find one, but that’s the nature of making money online at home. Some of the more popular real work at home jobs are data entry, writing, support, transcription, and research but that is not an all-inclusive list by any means.

Another way to work from home with no investments is to do freelance work for other people. There are plenty of internet marketers, webmasters, bloggers, and all sorts of other people online who hire freelance workers for many different tasks. You will find a lot of people looking to hire at business forums and facebook groups. There are also a lot of websites dedicated to helping freelance workers and people who need work done find each other. Some of these include, and many others. Just do a search on Google for freelance jobs or freelance work and you will find a lot of these sites.

You can also work at home with no investments by starting free blogs. You don’t have to pay for domains or hosting to start your online business. Yes, they do help but they are not required by any means. Websites such as and are great places to start free blogs so you can make money blogging from home with them. Do some niche research to find some good niches to build your blogs around then start writing content (blogging) on them. You’ll also need to get high quality niche related backlinks so your blogs will get traffic by ranking highly in the search engines. You can monetize them with affiliate links, advertising, Adsense, or another way.

Another popular way to work from home with no investment is by getting paid to take free online surveys, complete free offers, post in forums, read emails, or do other “get paid to” jobs. These are often called GPT and there are a lot of websites that you can do these tasks for in order to make money at home. You certainly won’t get rich doing these things but you can earn some extra money each month to help pay bills or whatever. Be careful though because a lot of GPT sites like to convince you that you’ll make insane amounts of money for doing these tasks and it’s simply not true, so don’t fall for it.

You can also make money with eBay as a way to work from home with no investments. Although you do have to pay a little for the listings and you might have to get products to sell unless you use dropshipping or have a lot of stuff around your house sell. So this might not be totally free but it can be done for very cheap so it’s definitely something to consider if you are flat broke and need a way to earn some extra money.

Alright, that’s it for now. Those are certainly not all the ways to work from home with no investment but they are some of the more popular ones, and they should keep you busy for a while. You can make money for free contrary to what many internet marketers will have you believe, but it does tend to make it a lot easier if you have some money to invest into your online business.

How To Start An Email Marketing Campaign

If you’re not already an expert, you probably have no concept where to start when considering setting up an email newsletter. And even though there are actually a number of mad geniuses out there, any person prepared to be thoughtful and strategic when it comes to their target market can easily be successful. In your industry, there must be no one better qualified than you. This article is intended to help increase your self-confidence as an email marketer by offering you each of the essential resources you need to master email marketing.

Newcomers to email marketing frequently will say how the process seems impenetrable or maybe magical to them. People get the impression that email marketing is something that only hired gun copywriters with four-figure hourly fees can comprehend. It may be that there is just a little bit of magic involved, but no more so than in any other form of marketing. If you take the time to analyze your market thoroughly, you find yourself making smart decisions, planning your email marketing campaign intelligently, and reaching success faster than you would have guessed.

A good starting point is to look at your campaign’s overarching purpose. What is it for? When people receive your messages, what do you hope will happen as a result? This part is easy if you’re building a list in order to promote a single product. But in other case you may want to consider the long term. Sending out regular messages over a long period of time can be a lot of work. In order to do that, you’d better make sure you know who your audience is.

No matter what you do, the first step is always going to be researching your market. You need to develop a clear assessment of what your market is, what demographics you’re a good fit for, and what specific needs you’re able to meet. But of course no matter how much research you do, you’ll find that things are different in practice than they are in theory. Even within specific geographic areas, populations are increasingly diverse. Over time, you’ll see different segments of readers emerge on the same mailing list. All you have to do is use software such as Active Campaign Email Marketing software to send unique, targeted content to each one of these segments.

Another important factor is the way your message looks. The design elements that you use in your messages should be consistent with the ways that you want your readers to interact with it. For example, in many cases you will want your readers to click through the links in your message and arrive at your web site. In this case, you’ll generally want your email template to be a pretty good match for the design of the actual web site. If they look the same, the reader will automatically know they’ve found the right place.

Next, you’ll want to consider what type of content will be appropriate for your email campaign. For example, let’s say you want to send out an informative newsletter every week. After you’ve done that for a while, you don’t want to just toss out an advertisement to a list like that. It won’t convert. By working your sales pitch into the existing informational format, you make it more familiar and more believable to your long-time subscribers.

Finally, you need to think about how you can get most of your recipients to open up and read the messages you send to them. There’s a little bit of a “secret sauce” factor that goes into this. A lot of things come into play. Any copywriter will tell you that the headline is one of the most important elements of marketing, no matter which medium you choose. The headline sells the message, while the message sells whatever you are selling.

But many people don’t realize that the first line of your message can be equally important. If you go into your email reader and look at the list of new incoming messages, you’ll probably notice that you can see a little snippet from the top of each message. If the teaser snippet is not compelling, many readers will assume the message is not worth their time, no matter what the headline may have promised. Another thing you may want to take into account is the hours that your particular subscribers will be most open to receiving your messages.

One thing you should never hesitate to do with your email campaign is to try new things. The more you do, the more you’ll develop an understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Once you’ve been doing this for a while, you’ll be amazed by the way you become so in tune with your market that you naturally understand what will or won’t work. It’s like magic.