Not Knowing This ONE Thing Will KILL Your Business

I get a real kick out of people looking for that “magic bullet” that’s going to bring them in tons of money right away.

What they don’t understand and realize is that there is one thing that will kill their business regardless of what method they use to create, promote, or whatever their way to riches.

Know what it is?


That’s right. The inability to communicate with your prospects is going to be the one thing that, no matter what else you do, will kill your business.

Think I’m kidding?

Let’s take a look at ALL the things that rely on some form of communication.

1. Sales Pages – This is the one page that can single handedly destroy any chances you have of making a sale. Well guess what? Sales pages don’t write themselves.

What’s that you say?

You can get somebody to write one for you?

Great! I hope you have between $2,500 and $15,000 for that service…IF you can even find a decent copywriter who’s not booked solid for the next 6 months to a year.

2. Articles – One of the best ways of getting traffic to your web site is through writing articles and submitting them to directories and putting them on your own blog.

Think it’s easy to write an article?

Sure, but writing an article that will get people to your sales page (assuming you have one that’s worth a damn) is not so easy. There are methods that work and methods that don’t work.

3. Autoresponders – Building a list is critical to earning a good income. But in order to keep somebody on your list, you have to not only provide them interesting and helpful content but you also have to be able to write a decent ad when you do give them the occasional pitch. This is also an art that has to be learned.

4. Customer Support – Ever get an email from a prospect or a customer about your product or service? I sure do… tons of them.

Guess what?

If you can’t effectively communicate with these people, prospects won’t become customers and customers won’t stay that way very long.

Almost EVERYTHING you do online is one form of communication with prospects and customers. And I haven’t even touched on the subject of video, which is one of the most important forms of communication today.

You need to learn how to write decent sales copy and articles. Two skills that nobody should be without. Article marketing accounts for a large percentage of my monthly income.

By mastering these two forms of communication, you’ll also be able to more effectively communicate through your autoresponders and your customer service replies.

If I didn’t master these skills, I’d be broke right now.

Communication… It’s THAT important.